circle - June (London)
11:30 AM11:30 circle - June (London)

Mama.Love Circle is your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You’ve heard the call, and now it’s time to take action. To show up for your self care, nurture your heart and womb and hold space for your fellow soulful mamas.

The circle is gathering, will you join us?

View Event → circle - May (London)
11:30 AM11:30 circle - May (London)

Mama.Love Circle is your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You’ve heard the call, and now it’s time to take action. To show up for your self care, nurture your heart and womb and hold space for your fellow soulful mamas.

The circle is gathering, will you join us?

View Event → circle - April (London)
11:30 AM11:30 circle - April (London)

Mama.Love Circle is your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You’ve heard the call, and now it’s time to take action. To show up for your self care, nurture your heart and womb and hold space for your fellow soulful mamas.

The circle is gathering, will you join us?

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Family Equinox Ritual - Sunday 19th March
12:30 PM12:30

Family Equinox Ritual - Sunday 19th March

All welcome to our Family Spring Equinox Ritual…these gatherings are SUCH a powerful way to honour nature's cycles and weave sacred ritual into family life... in a way that feels so wholesome, aligned, simple, magical 🥰 Open to the whole family, bring your loved ones, your friends and let’s celebrate the turn of the wheel in community togetherness!

View Event → circle - January (Online)
1:00 PM13:00 circle - January (Online)

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mama.Love Circle is your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You’ve heard the call, and now it’s time to take action. To show up for your self care, nurture your heart and womb and hold space for your fellow soulful mamas.

The circle is gathering, will you join us?

View Event → circle - December (Online)
12:00 PM12:00 circle - December (Online)

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mama.Love Circle is your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You’ve heard the call, and now it’s time to take action. To show up for your self care, nurture your heart and womb and hold space for your fellow soulful mamas.

The circle is gathering, will you join us?

View Event → opening circle (London)
1:30 PM13:30 opening circle (London)

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to join me at the first Mama.Love Circle.

Your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

Let’s come together to acknowledge the immense journey we are on. Come to be witnessed as you are, embody your wisdom in real-time and hold space for one another to unravel the multifaceted experience of motherhood.

Come alone or with your baby, whatever you prefer. All that matters is that you are there, showing up for yourself and your village… read on for more.

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Womb Sanctuary
11:00 AM11:00

Womb Sanctuary

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary, your sacred space to explore the depths of your womb and heart. Give yourself the permission, the grace, the attention to truly receive yourself. Come with all that you are. Come to remember yourself as sacred, powerful, divine.

These are monthly drop-in sessions designed for you to drop into your world and serve yourself. To open yourself up to the nourishment you deserve. To realign to that which makes you tingle with bliss. To lay foundations of self trust. To anchor into your truth. To create space for your dreams to receive the clarity you seek so they may seed and flourish.

This month we meet to share a womb embodiment dance, sharing circle, and womb & breast massage sequence.

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Sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony (In Person/London) (Copy)
3:00 PM15:00

Sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony (In Person/London) (Copy)

You will be guided through an immersive healing experience that flows between meditation, intuitive movement, information about the practice and application of yoni steaming, journaling, self care womb massage, sharing circle, guided relaxation and space for reflection. Throughout we’ll have things to nibble and plenty of womb loving tea to drink.

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Womb Sanctuary - Yoni Steam Ceremony (ONLINE)
10:00 AM10:00

Womb Sanctuary - Yoni Steam Ceremony (ONLINE)

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary, your sacred space to explore the depths of your womb and heart. Give yourself the permission, the grace, the attention to truly receive yourself. Come with all that you are. Come to remember yourself as sacred, powerful, divine.

These are monthly drop-in sessions designed for you to drop into your world and serve yourself. To open yourself up to the nourishment you deserve. To realign to that which makes you tingle with bliss. To lay foundations of self trust. To anchor into your truth. To create space for your dreams to receive the clarity you seek so they may seed and flourish.

This month we meet to share a sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony together.

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Womb Sanctuary - Sunday 17th April
11:00 AM11:00

Womb Sanctuary - Sunday 17th April

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary.

In this Sunday morning Womb Sanctuary, I will share with you a womb embodiment experience … an organic weaving together of guided meditation, visualisation, womb wisdom healing transmissions, movement, sharing circle, self care womb massage and whatever other magic lands for us as the time arrives.

Exploring and becoming acquainted with our inner landscapes, our earth bodies, the water of our bloods, the air of our breaths and the fires that ignite our spirits.

You feeling the call my love?

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Womb Sanctuary - Sunday 8th August
10:00 AM10:00

Womb Sanctuary - Sunday 8th August

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary. Your Sunday morning self care retreat experience, created for you to come home to the knowing of your body as powerful, wise and sacred. This is a safe and nourishing space for you to deepen your relationship to your womb, yoni, breasts and heart, in a slow, loving and attentive way.

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Womxn Festival: Womb Activation & Embodiment Workshop
4:00 PM16:00

Womxn Festival: Womb Activation & Embodiment Workshop

Womxn Festival: Womb Activation & Embodiment Workshop

womxn festival intro Raya.jpeg
womxn festival intro raya 3.jpeg
womxn festival Intro Raya 2.jpeg

I am blessed to have been invited to share my wisdom at this weekend festival-retreat-ultimate women’s circle extravaganza, celebrating ALL that you are. All that we are.

The line up for Womxn Festival is incredible! Mmmm this is going to be such a juicy, full, uplifting weekend!

I will be offering a Womb Wisdom Activation & Embodiment experience, a sacred space for you to land and drop into connection with your womb. I will guide you through a process to bring your unique womb resonance online and to practice moving from that space through a fusion of meditation, healing transmission and Kundalini Dance. You'll come away with essential tools and inspiration to continue to sustain your relationship with your womb space.

All are welcome, regardless of whether you have a physical womb or not, and whether you've connected to this space before or not. It will be a multifaceted exploration into your creative power portal, however your resonate, and our innate connection to the creative life giving, life force energy of the Earth and Source.

From yoga to breathwork to meditation to movement to a gong bath to women’s circles and MORE this is going to be such a beautiful weekend of retreat, ceremony and homecoming.

Head over to @mouliewestpfel page to secure your spot and to learn more about everything else on offer for the brilliant array of facilitators.

Looking forward to moving and tuning in with you.




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International Women's Day Celebration
7:00 PM19:00

International Women's Day Celebration

In honour of your individual and our collective magnificence, let’s celebrate!

Join me this Monday evening at 7pm for an evening of self honouring, appreciation and acknowledgement for ourselves and our achievements.

It’s time to tune into your unique expression and the way it wants to be expressed so that it can be the medicine that creates a ripple effect, playing a part in uplifting the feminine vibration across the planet.

  • Womb-Throat Connection Activation

  • Ecstatic Dance Celebration

  • Sister Sharing Circle

  • Co-Created Global Prayer

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Sacred Self Care Sanctuary: Galentine's Special
4:00 PM16:00

Sacred Self Care Sanctuary: Galentine's Special

Join me this Saturday evening for a juicy date with you, yourself + you. It’s time to lavish your sweet self and immerse yourself in a cocoon of soft and sensual self care.

  • Womb-Heart Activation Meditation

  • Cacao Ceremony

  • Group Heart Blessing

  • Love Letter Journalling

  • Womb, Tummy & Breast Self Massage

  • Womb Wisdom, Inspiration + channelled healing transmission

  • Deep Relaxation & Distance Reiki Healing

I look forward to welcoming you to this cosy cocoon of love.

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Sacred Self Care Sanctuary: Meditation | Womb Yoga | Womb & Breast Massage - Thursday 14th January
5:00 PM17:00

Sacred Self Care Sanctuary: Meditation | Womb Yoga | Womb & Breast Massage - Thursday 14th January

In this luscious, soothing sacred self care session, i'll guide you through some deeply relaxing and replenishing practices:

  • Womb-Heart Activation Meditation

  • Womb Yoga & Intuitive Movement

  • Womb, Tummy & Breast Self Massage and Healing techniques

  • Womb Wisdom, Inspiration + channelled healing transmission

  • Relaxation & Distance Reiki Healing

I look forward to welcoming you to this cosy cocoon of love.

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Winter Solstice Embodiment Ritual: Kundalini Dance & Cacao Ceremony
10:00 AM10:00

Winter Solstice Embodiment Ritual: Kundalini Dance & Cacao Ceremony

We gather in sacred ceremony as a circle of sisters at this potent portal of communion between endings and beginnings, the dark and the light, the masculine and the feminine, the Sun & the Earth. This Winter Solstice embodiment ritual blends together a fusion of meditation, womb activation, cacao, ecstatic dance, and personal ritual to mark this occasion in a powerful and embodied way.

  • Winter Solstice Wisdom

  • Womb-Heart Activation Meditation

  • Cacao Ceremony + Cacao Recipe & Ritual

  • Kundalini Dance Journey: Dancing with Life, Death & Re-Birth

  • After-ceremony Integration: Winter Equinox ritual for 21st December + playlist download

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Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 6th December
4:00 PM16:00

Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 6th December

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

This ceremony has been lovingly crafted to give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space, receive and recalibrate.

Together we’ll journey with

  • Womb / Heart Activation Practices

  • Prayer Sharing Circle

  • Warm up: Womb Embodiment - Yoga / Massage / Movement

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Sharing Circle (Optional)

  • After-Ceremony Ritual

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Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 15th November
3:00 PM15:00

Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 15th November

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

This ceremony has been lovingly crafted to give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space, receive and recalibrate.

Together we’ll journey with

  • Womb / Heart Activation Practices

  • Prayer Sharing Circle

  • Warm up: Womb Embodiment - Yoga / Massage / Movement

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Sharing Circle (Optional)

  • After-Ceremony Ritual

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Samhain Kundalini Dance & Cacao Ceremony - Saturday 31st October
10:30 AM10:30

Samhain Kundalini Dance & Cacao Ceremony - Saturday 31st October

You are called, this Samhain morning (pronounced ‘Sa-wen’, known as All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween), to welcome this potent portal of communion between the seen and unseen, the dead and the undead, as we light the fires of our womb-heart-body-temple and dance the wisdom way of our inner Wild Witch.

This will be a devotional exploration into the cauldron of your sacred body. Held by the heart activating medicine and spirit of cacao and the presence of Cerridwen, we’ll move through a bend of womb activation, intuitive movement and ecstatic dance to ceremonially release back into the depths.

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Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 11th October
4:00 PM16:00

Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 11th October

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

This ceremony has been lovingly crafted to give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space, receive and recalibrate.

Together we’ll journey with

  • Womb / Heart Activation Practices

  • Prayer Sharing Circle

  • Warm up: Womb Embodiment - Yoga / Massage / Movement

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Sharing Circle (Optional)

  • After-Ceremony Ritual

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Sacred Self Care Sanctuary - Monday 21st September
7:00 PM19:00

Sacred Self Care Sanctuary - Monday 21st September

In this luscious, soothing sacred self care session, i'll guide you through some deeply relaxing and replenishing practices:

  • Inner Harvest Womb-Heart Meditation Journey

  • Enchantress Kundalini Dance Activation + Playlist Access

  • Self Care Breast & Womb Massage

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Equinox Ritual PDF - to complete in your own space on the actual time of equinox on the 22nd

  • Self Massage techniques with hands and rebozo (shawl)

  • Relaxation & Distance Reiki transmission

  • Rite of the Womb Ceremony

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Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 6th September
11:00 AM11:00

Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 6th September

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

This ceremony has been lovingly crafted to give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space, receive and recalibrate.

Together we’ll journey with

  • Womb / Heart Activation Practices

  • Prayer Sharing Circle

  • Warm up: Womb Embodiment - Yoga / Massage / Movement

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Sharing Circle (Optional)

  • After-Ceremony Ritual

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Deep Feminine Nourishment Weekly Sessions -  June
to Jul 2

Deep Feminine Nourishment Weekly Sessions - June

You are invited to join Raya for weekly drop-in sessions, running every Thursday from 7pm - 8.15pm.

Dreamed up and designed especially for you to have a place to drop into your womb, heart and body temple, regularly.

This is your weekly commitment to deepen your relationship, strengthen your communication and sustain devotion to YOU!

Each week I’ll share self care tools, group rituals and hold space for us to connect in a sisterhood circle.

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