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Womb Sanctuary - Sunday 17th April

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary.

Come home to the deep well of wisdom residing in your sacred body. Unearth what’s moving through you. Listen to the oracle of your heart and your womb space and heed their call. Let’s dive in…

Beautiful One,

I feel called to gather us together and journey into a wholesome space of reconnection with self, body, mind, heart, womb… as they are. Simply being with ourselves as we find ourselves. Cultivating a deep curiosity, a tender listening, an oozing love, a felt trust, sweet adoration and cherishment. You feel me?

Exploring and becoming acquainted with our inner landscapes, our earth bodies, our sacred waters and blood, the air of our breaths and the fires that ignite our spirits.

In this Sunday morning Womb Sanctuary, I will share with you a womb embodiment experience … an organic weaving together of guided meditation, visualisation, womb wisdom healing transmissions, movement, sharing circle, self care womb massage and whatever other magic lands for us as the time arrives.

My intention behind this gathering is more of a feeling, a soulful nudge to call together those that feel the current. To dip our toes into our collective creative ocean. I am feeling a desire to attune to you, my community once more, as I meet you now as mama, and to trust the channel that is coming through me to hold you in at this time.

This immersive womb connection and awakening journey is for you, regardless of wherever you are in your relationship with your womb space. You’ll be held in a loving and non judgemental space that’ll guide you to deeply listen. If you’ve been looking for a sign to dive in, this is probably it. You may have already explored your connection to your womb space… these sanctuaries are an act of devotion to continue showing up for yourself and cultivating your intuitive womb medicine.

Let’s come together to receive nourishment, to self resource, to wind up with a sense of homecoming to our own truth, be in resonance to our own rhythms.  How’s that sound for you?


Time: 11am - 1pm

Date: Sunday 17th April 2021

Where: Zoom 

Cost: £22

£33 you + a friend

Sanctuary Subscription: £120 (£20 x 6 sessions)

Purchase a Sacred Self Care Ritual Box and your ticket is £11

who’s it for?

This is for any woman that feels the call to tend to herself in these ways. It is for all women at all stages of menstrual cycle, and stages of life. You are still welcome if you are recently postnatal, pregnant, TTC (if post ovulation) - just let me know and I’ll make adjustments and suggestions for you.

Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch via or DM via on Instagram, I’d be happy to chat with you.


