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Deep Feminine Nourishment Weekly Sessions - June

You are invited to join for weekly drop-in sessions, every Thursday from 7pm - 8.30pm.

Dreamed up and designed especially for you to have a place to drop into your womb, heart and body temple, regularly.

This is your weekly commitment to deepen your relationship, strengthen your communication and sustain devotion to YOU!

Each week I’ll share self care tools, group rituals and hold space for us to connect in a sisterhood circle.

June’s schedule looks a little like this 

  • Kundalini Dance: Root & Womb Alchemy - Thursday 11th June

  • Self Care Womb Massage & Healing - Thursday 18th June 

  • Well Woman/Womb Yoga - Thursday 25th June 

  • Sister Sharing Circle & Ritual - Thursday 2nd July (Full Moon) - 6pm - 7.30pm

Each month’s schedule will run on a similar structure, with different themes, perspectives and divine inspiration being weaved into each practice.

I am excited to gather with you all on a regular basis and share these practices that have brought so much activation, healing, alignment and purpose into my life. It’ my deepest prayer that all women are reunited with their womb intelligence, intuition and power.

Each class is £10 or you can book in all 4 for £30. You can make your purchase via my online shop - the link is in the link.tree in my bio. Booking closes at 6pm before each session.

Should money be tight right now, do reach out and we’ll make something work.

Descriptions will be updated on here and via my website this week. In the meantime feel free to ask any questions here or in my DMs.

You’ll receive the Zoom link and details on what to prepare on the morning of the session.

Kundalini Dance - Root & Womb Alchemy

Kundalini Dance is an ecstatic embodiment dance practice - meaning there are no moves to learn, all you have to do is surrender to the beat of the music and your internal rhythm. It’s a thoroughly nourishing internal and external workout, and gal, does it get the job done! The session will be healing, grounding and replenishing for your root chakra - your sense of security, connection to the Earth, relationships, finances and home.

We start by anchoring into a deep prayer and communion with the Earth. We cultivate our shakti/sacred feminine life force and dance to create space for this energy to flow through us. We invoke and fan the flame of this fire with our intuitive movement, breath and sound. We bring to the surface and move to clear dormant and stagnant emotional, physical, mental and energetic energy in our root, pelvic bowl and heart. We make way for the pleasurable, relaxing current of natural sexual, creative energy to ripple through us. You are reunited with your erotic innocence.

We create space within us to receive energetic downloads from the solar source, down-flow, divine-masculine (Shiva), assisting with reprogramming and establishing new evolutionary pathways within.
It is a dance of inner sacred union, of marrying polarities through your vessel, of finding the place where the feminine and masculine energies within can find harmony. .We open ourselves for the marriage of divine alchemy to take place through us, this union becomes our very own, and in turn raises our vibration to that of creation. Intuition and your body take the lead as transformation takes place. All to some very juicy, luscious sexy beats. Mmmm! When we awaken the dormant energy of Kundalini Shakti we begin an evolutionary journey of reclaiming and embodying our soul.

Womb Self Care Tools: Healing & Massage

This session will guide you through a delicious fusion of womb self care tools.

We’ll begin with a soothing meditation and full body relaxation, I’ll show you some naval, stomach, womb and sacrum healing touch and massage strokes, as well as some warming and holding techniques with a scarf/rebozo shawl. Throughout, I’ll share with you ways that you can activate your energy body, heart-womb alchemy and create soothing moments of self healing. There’ll be sprinklings of poetry, blessings, and lots of healing, loving reiki energy infused.

I appreciate these are sensitive spaces that hold A LOT (hence, why!) You can of course have your video off if you wish to be in privacy.

Well Woman / Womb Yoga

Well Woman Yoga Therapy/Womb Yoga supports womxn at all stages of their life to honour their cyclical nature (be it lunar, menstrual, seasonal) and reconnect to their inner wellspring of joy and intuitive wisdom. It is an ever evolving practice birthed through @umadinsmoretuli as a way of responding to womxns varied and changing needs.

The nurturing, rhythmic gestures, breath and movements that make up the sequences are designed to balance vital energy and to bring you home to yourself.

This style of yoga is particularly supportive for those that are feeling they’d like to explore what it means to move in honour of their body and its current status (emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually) rather than push it through a series of high energy movements that may actually be depleting it of its life force. The movements are flowing, spiralling and place YOU connecting to how it feels for YOU at the centre. 

You’ll be reminded throughout to move as you want to move, today, and in the moment. You’ll be guided to be responsive to your ever unfurling, changing landscape so that you find a sense of deep rootedness in your body. You’ll have spent 75 minutes diving into your body’s intelligence and giving yourself what you need and what feels good.

Benefits the practice can contribute to:

  • Healthier menstrual cycle and relationship to it

  • Supporting the fertility process and postnatal recovery

  • Relieving anxiety, grief, depression and fear

  • Healing emotional and physical traumas and womb-wounds

  • Cultivating a conscious awareness of Shakti / Divine Feminine Energy

  • Develop a nurturing, forgiving and accepting relationship with your womb space

No previous yoga or womb-connecting experience is required. Do get in touch if you have any questions about its suitability for you.

Sister Sharing Circle & Ritual

A space to gather, settle and speak to what wants to be spoken to in safe and loving space. Working with the energies of the Full Moon / the messages that are guiding us as a humanity, a unique ritual will be crafted to support you in connecting to what you are releasing, an what you are consciously manifesting in your life and the world. More details on what to prepare given to you on the week of the session.