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Yoni Steam Ceremony - Sunday 15th November

You are so warmly welcomed to take part in a sacred act of devotion to your inner temple, celebrating the sanctity of your womanhood in circle. Connect to the Earth, your body and your inner worlds with the time-honoured wisdom and ritual of yoni steaming.

We meet on the Sunday 15th November at 3pm - 6pm GMT (UK time)


When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

Like a morning mini retreat, this ceremony has been lovingly crafted to give your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space, to receive, restore and recalibrate with a variety of tools and practices to come home to your body.

Together we’ll journey with

  • Womb / Heart Activation

  • Prayer Sharing Circle

  • Warm up: Womb Embodiment - Yoga / Massage / Movement

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Sharing Circle (Optional)

  • After-Ceremony Ritual and care tips

Beforehand, you’ll receive an audio recording with all of the information you need to know about the practice so that our gathering can be all about you deepening into and receiving the benefits of the ritual. Afterwards, you’ll receive rituals to integrate and ground your experience.

The yoni steam ceremony itself is a intuitive/channelled healing process where you’ll be guided and held through a journey to align with your heart/womb/body’s wisdom, tap into your well of innate self healing nectar, and be supported to energetically clear and release whatever needs to move through to make way for the new.


Amongst many others, vaginal/pelvic/root steaming has been found to:

  • Ease menstrual and pelvic pain 

  • Support with bloating, exhaustion and digestive issues

  • Release stagnation

  • Dissolve emotional and energetic blocks

  • Bring circulation to the pelvic bowl

  • Nourish and improve fertility and vitality

  • Increase sensation and sensuality

  • Invite an owning of own sexuality and creative power

  • Tend to sexual wounds and traumatic experiences

  • Clear ancestral trauma

  • Support the body postpartum to rebalance and heal

This is for you if you desire to

  • Create time for you to connect to your heart, womb & root space

  • Experience a variety of self-care & embodiment tools to bring into your life

  • Learn about the mind, body and spirit wisdom of yoni steaming

  • Journey deep into your body to listen to it’s messages for you

  • Make space to release and replenish & feel nourished, grounded and centred

  • Spend time immersing yourself in the medicine that is: women gathering to reclaim themselves and age-old women’s practices

There are situations in which it is NOT recommended to steam. For further info head to before you book your place.


Time: 3pm - 6pm GMT

Date: Sunday 15th November 2020

We’ll meet on Zoom (downloadable to your laptop, phone or tablet - and you’ll be sent all of the details - your link to register, how to prepare yourself, your equipment and your space the day before we meet.

Having your video on or off is up to you - I do recommend having it on when we share and connect as a circle to create as ‘real’ an atmosphere as possible, as we’d obviously see each other in real life! However you are welcome to have your video off if that would be more comfortable for you, your privacy is totally respected.


  • Reserve and pay for your space via the link below. Spaces are limited to ensure everyone has space to share and witness one another in circle.

There are a few options for your Yoni Steam set up:

  • If  you already have  your own steaming seat / stool / willing to be creative (see below) and can gather some herbs, you’re all set! 


  • You can get yourself a dedicated yoni steam throne seat, bucket and herbs, head here:

  • You can also get in touch to receive ceremony size Inner Glow Yoni Steam Botanicals pack.

  • If purchasing equipment, please do so by Friday 28th August to receive in time (if later we can look into other options, but may incur higher delivery cost!)

If considering using what you already have:

  • You can prepare some cushions, blankets, blocks, books, a yoga mat, a bolster and pot to set up a makeshift seat which you can kneel, crouch or stand over.

  • You can forage for some local herbs and flowers or get some dried from around the house - I’ll send out some more details in your confirmation email.

  • Feel free to get in touch so I can support you in setting up a comfortable steam station.


£25 - Standard


£10 Inner Glow Yoni Steam Botanicals - Ceremony Pack (30g) - Optional. Order before Wednesday 11th November 3pm. Email for details.

The standard price for this session is £25. If this is comfortable for you I would be grateful for you to select this option.

The community price of £18 is available for BIPOC and Low Income - use the code COMMUNITY at checkout for this price.

If you would like to know about a payment plan, or are still unable to make the price and feel a strong call - please get in touch.


If you cannot attend live, let me know and I will send a replay + playlist + guide. (Note: for those attending live - only my view will be recorded)

You’ll receive a comprehensive email with everything you need to prepare, the audio + a luscious playlist the day before the session.

Who’s it for + Inclusivity

As long as you are not contraindicated to steam at this time, any womxn over the age of 16 who feels a desire to attend, are welcome to take part. This includes women without a physical womb as we work with the energetic womb space. If you do not identify as female/ do not have a female gendered body, please get in touch to ensure the way the space will be held feels aligned for you.

This workshop is open to all womxn at all stages of menstrual cycle, peri and post-menopause. It’s not suitable for pregnant people or post-ovulation if trying.

If you’ll be menstruating, I recommend coming for all the healing and soothing aspects of the workshop but you won’t be able to do the steam, however you could come to soak your feet in a herb mix or steam your face.

However I’ll send you a recording of this to do once your bleed is finished as this is a great time to do so. If you have any womb or vaginal health issues do get in touch so I can offer you adjustment advice.

Wanna chat?

Feel free to get in touch to make sure it’s for you… email me on or DM me via the FB page / on Instagram.

Looking forward to holding this powerfully restorative morning with you.


