Back to All Events circle - June (London)

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Your monthly sanctuary to nurture your heart and womb, realign with your soul and connect with your mama sisterhood.

You are invited to join me at Mama.Love Circle. Your babies and small children are welcome. You’re also welcome to come alone if you’d prefer. 

Let’s come together to acknowledge the immense journey we are on, be witnessed as we are, and hold space for one another to unravel the multifaceted experience of motherhood.

We meet at Revive Yoga, Balham on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 11.30am

At these gatherings, I will guide us through a 90 minute journey to drop deeply into our bodies… weaving together a variation of:

  • Womb and heart connection practices

  • Guided meditation

  • Sharing circle

  • Gentle, nourishing movement practices

  • Rituals to honour the seasonal shifts

  • Mama tonics - either cacao or herbal infusions

  • Nibbles for you and the littles

  • Occasional special guests (sound ceremony, holistic parenting, postpartum care)

  • A recorded meditation and at-home practices in the event you are otherwise occupied during the session.

All is welcome - babies sleeping or awake, in arms or the buggy, those that are exploring, chatty and wriggly, those taking part or happily playing in the corner, breast/bottle feeding or snacking… we’ll be allowing the (potential!) chaos to be, as it is in our everyday lives.

What matters is that you are there, showing up for yourself and letting your children witness you in that, as well as being involved in the magic.

As such - you’ll receive the meditation as a recording and the movement playlist to come back to whenever you like and the opportunity to join the community telegram channel to connect with one another. 

2023 dates

2023 dates

Saturday 26th November - 1.30-3.30pm - Opening Circle

Saturday 17th December - Winter Solstice Family Ritual - 11-3pm (Streatham Common Woods)

Wednesday 11th January - 1pm - 2.30pm (Online Circle)

Wednesday 1st February - 11.30am - 1pm

Wednesday 1st March - 11.30am - 1pm 

Wednesday 5th April - 11.30am - 1pm 

Wednesday 3rd May - 11.30am - 1pm 

Wednesday 7th June - 11.30am - 1pm 

Wednesday 5th July - 11.30am - 1pm

Mama, I see you. I see us!

I see how you are pouring your heart into your babe/s and family right now. I see how you ride the waves of chaos - sometimes with a grace that surprises you, sometimes with a despair that rattles you. 

There’s never enough times you can be reminded that you are doing the best you can, with what you have. That you are the best mama for your babe. That you are everything they need.

As much as you attempt to though, are you managing to take the time to resource yourself? To stop, be still and listen? To hold yourself in love and appreciation? To take stock of how far you’ve come and to sit in full receivership of what it is you are creating?

I am creating spaces for us to gather…

  • A space where we can nurture ourselves, come home to our bodies and tend to our hearts and wombs.

  • A space where we can receive the healing balm that is being held and being witnessed by a community of like-minded sisters on similar yet different journeys through Mamahood.

  • An opportunity to digest the metamorphosis of pregnancy, birth and postpartum and begin to embody the mother that has been born.

  • A space where, through sharing and reflection, you are reminded that you can trust your intuition and instinct to show you the way

  • A space where you can lighten the emotional load you bear, express your rage, resentment, confusion, despair with no judgement

  • A space where you can celebrate yourself and your children and all you are moving through.

Who’s this for?

This isn’t for the cookie-cutter mother. This is for the mother that is consciously choosing a life where herself and her family thrives. 

It is for those that want to commit to themselves wholeheartedly and for she who knows that nourishing her vitality is central to those within her orbit.

Biological mothers and adoptive / foster / step / grand / those in a primary caregiver role (those feeling the intensity of the responsibility of motherhood). It is only appropriate for those that can identify as female in a female gendered body with the lived experience of motherhood as I work with the language of cycles, hormonal shifts, anatomy and ancestral female lineage.


When we live in a world that constantly distracts women from their instincts and that has forgotten that centering the health and wellbeing of the mother is central to all else within her orbit…it can be easy to forget ourselves. To be so lost in the overwhelm of all there is to juggle that the simplest of maintenance to our bodies and minds can seem like yet another chore.

The deepest and most profound womb and heart medicine is moving through you, in action, every day. You’re drawing upon your instincts and your creative wellspring to create the bubble of love, the home, the meaningful experiences for your family.

There is so much foundational womb-heart-home weaving taking place that it is often all consuming, and it can be hard to see the wood for the trees amongst the busyness, or the seemingly mundane every day.

*insert moment of self reflection here.

How does this sit with you? is A mother village that centres soulful feminine nourishment and aligning mothers with the instinctual wisdom of the heart and womb.

This is more than the monthly gatherings, this is co-creating a community of mothers that share similar values, this is about creating family centred sacred spaces, this is about being accountable to yourself to show up for your self care.

Now, the choice is yours … will you claim this time for yourself?


£25 drop in per session

£15 for online session

February to July series (6 sessions) - £140

Any 3 drop ins - £70

Strictly no refunds, though you can pass your spot onto a friend or transfer to another gathering (if at least 12 hours notice is given)

Earlier Event: May 3 circle - May (London)