womb love & ceremony


Awaken, Activate & HEAL your SACRED womb space, reclaim your wise & powerful body


A WOMB LOVE ceremony is a three hour devotion & honouring of your womb & YONI: an opportunity for you to fully & deeply rest & receive

It is my prayer that every woman has the opportunity to connect to her womb space and all that it beholds - her fluid sexual energy, her passion-fire, her unbridled creativity, her expansive heart, her true  joy and to know what it means to be profoundly in tune with her intuition and wisdom.

Your womb space, pelvic bowl and root are the centre of your health and wellbeing. Your womb wellness and balance impacts your mind, your body, your emotions, your sexual energy and your connection to the Earth & Spirit.

It’s vital self care to get to know yourself and your rhythms intimately, so that you can know and live your vibrancy with full ownership - for the good of you, your community, you loved ones, and the planet. By nurturing this space, you enhance your capacity to sit in your sovereign seat of power, feeling radiant and empowered in your truth and unique essence.

I’ll guide you on a meditative healing journey to drop deeply into your body, clear and release stagnant, stuck energy and align you with your womb-heart medicine: restoring balance to your root, pelvic bowl and whole being. These treatments are for every woman at any stage of life that feels a desire to reconnect to themselves.

a healing experience curated for you

This intuitive, experiential journey supports you to navigate your inner world to where you are holding repressive and limiting patterns that no longer serve you and are ready to shift. I’ll guide you through a variety of healing tools and modalities - cacao connection, movement, meditation, yoni steam ceremony and womb massage in tune with the intentions you share with me and what arises during the session.

you desire to:

  • Learn how to connect, listen to and fine tune your intuition.

  • Unfurl and clarify your unique womb wisdom and power

  • Form a reciprocal, devotional relationship with your body, developing your literacy and capacity to celebrate it.

  • Feel grounded, supported, balanced and able to make clear decisions and discernments from your centre


Wherever you are on your womb wellness and connection journey, I am here to be the big sister that will give you all the encouragement and knowledge that you need to develop your sacred relationship with your body. I’ll hold you with tender loving care and share with you what I’ve learned along the way, all that you didn’t realise your soul was hungering for until this moment and reflect back to you the wellspring of wisdom you already behold.

When you take a step into this journey, you increase capacity to ground your gifts and potential into existence. You are able to access the wisdom that is available to you and resource from yourself as a seat of deep inner knowing. I’m here with you every step of the way my love!

this session will support you if you:

  • Would love to treat yourself to 3 hours of womb connection and honouring!

  • Have any form of disconnect or discomfort in relation to the womb space / feminine energy

  • Want to feel safe in your body to allow your emotional, sexual and spiritual energy to flourish

  • Desire to create a relationship with or regulate your menstrual cycle

  • Want to nourish your fertility / vitality, increasing libido and zest for life

  • Are journeying through a notable life transition, recovery or re-birth

  • Would like to honour a rite of passage such as menarche, birth, menopause

  • Want to be held through an experience of loss or trauma - (hysterectomy, miscarriage, abortion)

What’s Involved in a session?

At our first session, we will have time to check in with you, and go through your consultation form in detail.

The Womb Love Ceremony journey will flow as follows:

  • Space to drop in and ground

  • Sharing over a cup of ceremonial cacao

  • Intuitive guided visualisation and meditation to connect with the womb and heart

  • Womb Yoga & Intuitive movement to warm up the body

  • Yoni Steam Ceremony (if desired)

  • Full Womb Massage (massage and energy healing)

  • Rebozo full body wrapping (in person)

  • Intuitive sound (channelled womb song, chimes, rattle, drum journeying)

  • Rite of the Womb transmission

  • Space to share over herbal tea and light snacks to ground


  • Follow up email with tips and tools and recommendations to process your experience.

  • A Heart & Womb meditation mp3 sent to support you on your womb connection journey.

  • Packages of 4 treatments include the instruction of self-care womb massage and a Rite of the Womb ceremony.

location & Availability

  • Sessions available Wednesday - Sunday in South Norwood, SE25

  • I work in an ad-hoc way, and will work my pre-existing commitments around your request. Enquire for details on raya@womb.love

Extra info:

  • Once you’ve booked, you’ll be sent preparation info & a consultation form to complete and return at least 3 days before your session.

  • In the event you are menstruating on the day, or you have recently had surgery or medical treatment, we can work very gently, and mostly energetically. Do check your cycle before booking in and let me know what the situation might be around that time. If you need your own space on this day, get in touch to re-book.

  • At least 48 hours notice of cancellation is required otherwise 50% of the cost is payable.

  • Less than 36 hours notice and the full cost of the treatment/session is payable.




3 HOURS - £200