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Womb Sanctuary - Yoni Steam Ceremony (ONLINE)

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)

Welcome to Womb Sanctuary, your sacred space to explore the depths of your womb and heart. Give yourself the permission, the grace, the attention to truly receive yourself. Come with all that you are. Come to remember yourself as sacred, powerful, divine.

These are monthly drop-in sessions designed for you to drop into your world and serve yourself. To open yourself up to the nourishment you deserve. To realign to that which makes you tingle with bliss. To lay foundations of self trust. To anchor into your truth. To create space for your dreams to receive the clarity you seek so they may seed and flourish.

This month we meet to share a sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony together.

You will be guided through an immersive healing experience that weaves together meditation, movement, information about the practice and application of steaming, journaling, sharing circle, guided relaxation and space for reflection.

Yoni Steaming is a restorative practice that brings you back into connection and alignment with your root, your ground, your foundation. You directly commune with the wisdom of the plants and the intelligence of the Earth through your sacred feminine wisdom centre. The whole of your yoni and womb space are treated to a deep relaxation, which creates ripples throughout your whole body and nervous system.

You are guided to a stillness where you can bear witness to the subtle nuances and communication echoing within your well. In this place you meet with the deepest parts of yourself to receive the medicine and guidance of your womb.

It is at once thoroughly grounding, and also has the capacity to be re-wilding, magical, revitalising and illuminating. And when we sit together in this way, oh my, something truly special happens. We represent a collective reclamation of the womb and the age-old wisdom and practice that connects us to our ancestors.

If you hadn’t got the memo, this is vital work. It is HIGH TIME we all become acquainted with our sovereign womb space. Rituals like this are a perfect way to meet or return to a commitment to do so.

You can expect:

To begin, you’ll be guided through a process to land in your body and connect to your womb space through a womb embodiment practice merging meditation and visualisation, breathing exercises, yoga, dance and intuitive movement.

Next, I’ll share with you an overview of the yoni steaming practice, space for journaling and reflection, and the opportunity to share your intentions.

Once you have fully arrived, it’s time to meet the steam experience with full presence. We’ll share a guided healing steam ceremony followed by a deep and nourishing relaxation.

Afterwards, I’ll send you a ritual and aftercare advice to complete and integrate the process.

It’s a full circle experience that I have been blessed to have been curating both in person and online for the last 5 years. Each time we meet I witness profound shifts individually and collectively in the circle.

How does that sound? What can you feel waking up inside as you read these words? Get in touch if you’re feeling a stirring!

A regular yoni steaming regime has been found to:

  • Deepen and maintain a powerful connection with the womb and yoni

  • Ease menstrual and pelvic pain

  • Support with bloating, exhaustion and digestive issues

  • Release stagnation and bring circulation to the pelvic bowl

  • Assist in dissolving emotional and energetic blocks

  • Nourish and improve fertility and vitality

  • Increase sensation and sensuality

  • Support the body postpartum to rebalance and heal

  • And in general improve overall sense of wellbeing


Time: 10am - 1pm BST (UK time)

Date: Sunday 26th June 2022

Where: Zoom / Replay

Cost: £25

Optional extras:

  • Inner Glow Yoni Steam Botanicals half-size: 30g + PP = £13

  • Inner Glow Yoni Steam Botanicals full-size: 60g + PP = £18

You’ll be sent all of the details - your link to register, how to prepare yourself, your equipment and your space in an email a few days before we meet.

Replay Option:

If you cannot attend live, select + purchase the replay option and I will send a replay + playlist + guide within 24 hours of the event. (Note: for those attending live - only my view will be recorded and the sharing circle will be omitted (you have the option to share directly with me).


There are situations in which it is NOT recommended to steam.

  • Are spotting or on your period

  • Think you may be pregnant

  • Post ovulation IF trying to conceive (before is fine)

  • Have any open or recent scar tissue in the perineum area

  • Currently have any infections

  • Are under any fertility or IVF treatment

  • If you have an IUD fitted


If you wish to attend but cannot take part in the yoni steam part for any reason on the day, there are some alternatives you can consider. Perhaps you can:

  • Drink the herbal mix as a tea ceremony

  • Herbal foot soak

  • Herbal face steam

This way, you can enjoy all of the other parts of the ceremony and learn about the process! Let me know how I can support you to be part of this experience, get in touch to discuss your situation.


You have a few options to create your yoni steam set up at home…


  • You can use your own steaming seat / stool

  • You can stand / kneel / crouch / child’s pose over a bowl or pot

  • You can prepare some cushions, blankets, blocks, books, a yoga mat, a bolster to make a comfy seat

  • You can use a chair with slats, a commode, sit on two chairs together (a bum cheek on each)

  • You can get in touch with me so I can support you in setting up a comfortable steam station with what you have around your home


  • You can forage for some local herbs and flowers or get some dried from around the house

  • You can get yourself a pack of Inner Glow Yoni Steam Botanicals (Full Size 60g - £15 / Ceremony Pack 30g £10) here.

  • If you have a specific womb / vaginal health issue, you can book in a custom blend consultation for £25 - email me on

  • If purchasing herbs, please do so before Wednesday 22nd June at 3pm to receive in time (if later we can look into other options, but may incur higher delivery cost!)



Any woman who feels the call! As long as you are not contraindicated to steam at this time, any woman over the age of 16 who feels a desire to attend, is welcome to take part. This includes women without a physical womb as we work with the energetic womb space.

This workshop is open to all women at all stages of menstrual cycle, peri and post-menopause. It’s not suitable for pregnancy or post-ovulation if trying.

If you’ll be menstruating, I recommend coming for all the healing and soothing aspects of the workshop but you won’t be able to do the steam, however you could come to soak your feet in a herb mix or steam your face.

However I’ll send you the recording to do once your bleed is finished, as this is a great time to do so.

If you have any womb or vaginal health issues do get in touch so I can offer you adjustment advice.


Feel free to get in touch… email me on or DM me via on Instagram.

Looking forward to sharing this powerfully restorative morning with you.


