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Exchange: Free Kundalini Dance Session for Survey Completion

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)

Hello beautiful souls,

Soooo I have a huuuuuge favour to ask! And because I appreciate you - I have made the exchange especially juicy.

I would love to learn more about you, your dreams and desires. I intend to get super clear on how I can best serve you and provide useful, accessible, engaging and transformative material + offerings for you in 2021.

To help me understand you better and why you are here, please spend 10 mins of your time completing this survey. I’ve also shared a track to listen to as you fill it in / or to boogie to after.

Your thank you is a LIVE Kundalini Dance Session - Power Centre Activation Journey, an ecstatic self devotional dancing prayer which will take place around January’s Full Wolf Moon in the sign of Leo. I get to meet and thank you personally.

If you can't attend live, I'll send you the replay.

I really appreciate your time, thank you SO much.

Let me know if you have any questions at



Survey Link

In order to complete the survey, I require you to also be part of my mailing list, thank you!