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Samhain Kundalini Dance & Cacao Ceremony - Saturday 31st October

Hey Witches,

You have been summoned.

Samhain (pronounced ‘Sa-wen’, known as All Hallow’s Eve or Halloween) is amongst us. The time of the third and last harvest...where the steady descent into winter commences and when the veils between the dimensions are at their thinnest.

Thus our journey to the deep hearth within begins. It’s time to make space in our bodies, minds and souls for the impending pause.  It’s time to light the fires of our womb-heart-body-temple and dance the wisdom way of our inner Wild Witch.

We gather in sacred ceremony as a circle of sisters at this potent portal of communion between the seen and unseen, the dead and the undead.

This will be a devotional exploration into the cauldron of your sacred body. Held by the heart activating medicine and spirit of cacao and the presence of Cerridwen, we’ll move through a bend of womb activation, intuitive movement and ecstatic dance to ceremonially release back into the depths.

Come to meet and dance with the dark and the murky

Come to dance your prayers as you allow another layer of shedding, returning, composting

Come to dance with, and in honour of your ancestors and lost loved ones

Come to dance the threshold of your Inner Wild Woman meeting the Inner Crone

Come to dance your deep intuitive wisdom to the surface as you allow yourself to transition with nature

It’s a time to let die what must die in preparation of Winter’s resting, reflecting and listening. Necessary for the process of re-birth, growth, renewal and evolution to take place in Spring.

The Journey Includes:

  • Womb-Heart Inner Crone Activation Meditation 

  • Cerridwen’s Cauldron Story & Teachings with Laura @theholisticdoula

  • Cacao Ceremony + Cacao Recipe & Ritual

  • Kundalini Dance Journey: Wild Womb Witch

  • After-ceremony Integration: Samhain ritual + playlist download

The Crone Archetype & Cerridwen

Winter is represented in our cycles as the post-menopause years, where the Inner crone comes online, the inner wise womxn, priestess, seer. The one who has lived maiden, mother, enchantress, she is the one that knows. She has seen many come and go - people, creations, dreams. She has endured countless cycles before, what must die, what must return to the Earth.  She is her embodied cyclical knowing. We can tap into her essence and her wisdom for guidance and support.

We will meet Cerridwen, a Celtic Crone Goddess. Known as keeper of the Cauldron (representing the womb of the Divine Mother / Feminine Creatrix of all life - where all manifests into being), she represents magic, divine knowledge, change, rebirth, creative inspiration and transformation. The wonderful Laura Swann (@theholisticdoula), who works with Cerridwen as a guide, will be sharing her tale.

Kundalini Dance

Kundalini Dance is an ecstatic embodiment dance practice: a process that supports you to awaken your divinity and reclaim your naturally occurring creative, sensual and sexual life force current. There are no moves to learn, the invitation is to surrender to the beat of the music and respond to your internal rhythm...the rest is an unravelling and a returning to your essence.

You’ll be guided through a process to drop deeply into your body, cultivate shakti fire / sacred feminine life force and create space for its transformational current to move through you. You’ll invoke and fan the flame of this fire with intention, prayer, intuitive movement, breath and sound. It is a dance of inner sacred union, of marrying the feminine and masculine polarities within and raising your vibration to that of creation. You’ll dance to invite in healing and re-patterning around your connection to your sense of safety and belonging in your body, connection with the Earth, receptivity to life, and enhance your capacity to drink in the abundance that is your birthright.

Cacao Ceremony

Assisting us with unravelling the wisdom our bodies have to share, you are invited to make a Cacao brew. Sweet heart medicine, cacao is chocolate in its purest and most potent form, and has been used in sacred, shamanic way in Central and South American as well (as other equatorial cultures across the globe) for centuries as a way of communing with the divine.

When we drink cacao with intention, meditation, breathing and movement, it is a profound yet subtle and sweet teacher plant, inspiring us to open to more bliss and love in our lives. It can assist us with unblocking emotional, negative or misaligned energies and find space, stillness, and compassion. She is a perfect comrade for Kundalini Dance. The cacao will assist us with activating the heart-womb-body connection, allowing us to embody our intentions for the dance, transmuting that which no longer serves us back into love.

Purchase your Ceremonial Grade Cacao from Forever Cacao via this link: and input the code ‘womblovecacao’ for a discount on your purchase. They deliver promptly, however do get your order in by Tuesday/Wednesday to make sure you get it in time!

You will receive a cacao recipe and preparation ritual download ahead of the session to prepare just before we meet.


We’ll meet on Zoom (downloadable to your laptop, phone or tablet - and you’ll be sent all of the details - your link to register, how to prepare yourself, your equipment and your space the day before we meet.

Having your video on or off is up to you - I do recommend having it on when we dance, share and connect as a circle to create as ‘real’ an atmosphere as possible, as we’d obviously see each other in real life! However you are welcome to have your video off if that would be more comfortable for you, your privacy and space is totally respected.


The cost for one space: £13

For you and a friend: 2 for £22

On the booking system you’ll be prompted to select the add-on to bring your ticket up to £22.

For this event, I have not created two price tiers (Standard + Community/BIPOC) as I am offering it at a reduced price for all. However, if you are unable to make this and feel a strong call, please do get in touch.


If you cannot attend live, select that option on booking and I will send a replay + playlist + guide. (Note: for those attending live - only my view will be recorded)


You’ll receive a comprehensive email before the session (on the 30th) outlining everything you need to prepare, including your cacao recipe and tips for a mindful samhain morning.

Who’s it for?

This workshop is open to womxn at all stages of life and menstrual cycle, peri and post-menopause, with or without a womb. No experience required, if you feel a calling to try it out, trust that!  We all began life within a womb space and are all connected to nature and allow her inspiration to feed our creations. Regardless of where you are at, you have access to the energetic womb space. If you are pregnant, get in touch.

You may consider womb healing if you desire to:

  • Reclaim all parts of yourself as your own

  • Connect to your femininity, feminine energy, body and sensuality

  • Enhance your intuitive connection to yourself

  • Give your body space to rest and unwind

  • Support a fertility and conception journey

  • Energise and sustain vitality and energy

  • Improve menstrual cycle symptoms and relationship to your cycle

  • Create nourishment and balance to support PCOS, fibroids or endometriosis

  • Support yourself with a way to process trauma related to sexual abuse, miscarriage, abortion or childbirth.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Release blocks and suppressed emotions

  • Bring loving and attentive awareness to womb

  • Guided to drop into the womb of the divine mother

  • Supported to drop into your deep feminine power

Wanna chat?

Feel free to get in touch to make sure it’s for you… email me on or DM me via the FB page / on Instagram.

Looking forward to sharing this powerful, magic morning with you.


