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International Women's Day Celebration

  • London, England, United Kingdom (map)

In honour of your individual and our collective magnificence, let’s celebrate!


Join me this Monday evening at 7pm for an evening of self honouring, appreciation and acknowledgement for ourselves and our achievements.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is 'Choose To Challenge’. The intention here is to call out gender bias and equality in all its forms, and so the invitation here is to amplify and use our voices for good, to feel empowered to create change in our world, for the good of the whole.

It’s time to tune into your unique expression and the way it wants to be expressed so that it can be the medicine that creates a ripple effect, playing a part in uplifting the feminine vibration across the planet.

I’ll guide you through the following practices:

  • Womb-Throat Connection Activation

  • Ecstatic Dance Celebration

  • Sister Sharing Circle

  • Co-Created Global Prayer

We’ll begin by activating the voice of our womb before moving into a celebration of our powerful wise and sacred selves. Together, we’ll channel our energy into a powerful prayer for unity and equality.


In honour of this global celebration, I am offering this workshop to all at a reduced fee of £11.

Bring a friend and get a discount of £1 each, simply select that option and email me their name and email address so I can include them on the list.


If you cannot attend live, book your space as usual + click the option to receive the replay. Only my view will be recorded - you can have your video on or off, whatever you would prefer. I will send it over to you within 24 hours of the end of the workshop (let me know if you’d like it sooner and I’ll see what I can do!)

Preparation Info

You’ll be sent a comprehensive email on how and what to prepare before the session. I’ll also send you information afterwards to support you as you integrate.

Elixir Supplies

You may want to get yourself some @foreverceremonial cacao with the code ‘womblovecacao’ for a small discount. 

International Women’s Day - Choose to Challenge, a call to action:

“Choose to create history, not be created by it. Choose to Challenge”


Do get in touch with any questions whatsoever.

Check my social pages for descriptions on some of the practices we’ll be diving into and why they are so beneficial for your womb self care routine and connection journey.

Looking forward to holding this powerfully restorative evening with you.


