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Sacred Self Care Sanctuary - Monday 21st September

Sacred Self Care Sanctuary: An Autumn Equinox Ritual

Join me for an Autumn Equinox & International Day of Peace body blessing ritual. Celebrate the welcome of Autumn and the seeding of peace within and with-out. It's time to reflect, accept and integrate at every layer of our being, as we make our transition into the darker months. This is some time carved out especially for you, to rest, receive and love up your precious, divine body in honour of the Autumn Equinox.

Together, we’ll journey through a process to listen deeply to the wisdom of our bodies, reflect on the blessings we’ve received and the personal harvests we are celebrating.We’ll prime our body, mind and spirit for the necessary and inevitable shedding and letting go through an embodied dance practice. There’ll be moments of reflection and deep release as we tend our body temples with loving care and nurturing touch.

Autumn is represented in our cycles as the premenstrual phase or perimenopause years, where our inner enchantress, wild womxn, inner medicine womxn, truth seeker & teller comes alive. She is the one who weaves between the veils, traverses the dark and the light, honours the inwards journey towards the void and has come to reap what has been sown. She is self focused and honours her own needs with integrity.

There’ll be space to create prayers of peace, balance and alignment for ourselves and the collective through an energy healing relaxation and a ritual to complete in your own time on the actual day of Mabon - 22nd September.

You can look forward to:

  • Inner Harvest Womb-Heart Meditation Journey

  • Enchantress Kundalini Dance Activation + Playlist Access

  • Self Care Womb Massage & Healing Blessings

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Equinox Ritual PDF - to complete in your own space on the actual time of equinox on the 22nd

Gift this space and time for you to let go and land in resonance with the Earth (in the Northern Hemisphere) as she moves through a slow transition into Winter. Perhaps you’re going into Spring, and perhaps you’ll feel a call to mark your internal season in this way. 

Ways this may be particularly beneficial for you.

  • Support fertility journey

  • Energise and sustain vitality

  • Break down scar tissue and flush toxins

  • Improve digestion

  • Relieve stress and tension in the womb and abdomen

  • Improve menstrual cycle symptoms

  • Blood flow to womb and digestive organs

  • Reduce period and pelvic pain

Who’s it for?

This workshop is open to all womxn at all stages of menstrual cycle, peri and post-menopause, with or without a womb. It’s not suitable for pregnant people or after ovulation if trying. If you’ll be menstruating, I recommend coming for all the healing and soothing aspects of the workshop but you won’t be able to do the massage. However I’ll send you a recording of this to do once your bleed is finished. If you have any womb, abdominal or digestive issues do get in touch so I can offer you adjustment advice.


The standard price for this session is £22. If this is comfortable for you I would be grateful for you to select this option.

The community price of £18 is for BIPOC and Low Income - use the code COMMUNITY at checkout for this price.

If you would like o know about a payment plan, or are still unable to make the price and feel a strong call - please get in touch.


If you cannot attend live, let me know and I will send a replay. Only my view will be recorded - you can have your video on or off, whatever you would prefer.

Do get in touch with any questions. Check my social pages for descriptions on some of the practices we’ll be diving into and why they are so beneficial for your womb self care routine and connection journey.

Looking forward to holding this powerfully restorative evening with you.


