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ONLINE: Sacred Self Love Elixir - Yoni Steam Ceremony & Kundalini Dance

Sacred Self Love Elixir 31May

The Invitation

You are whole-heartedly welcomed to a Sunday Morning Sanctuary of deep connection and devotion to your inner temple, your beautiful, brilliant and magnificent home, your body. Welcome to Sacred Self Love Elixir

Together we'll journey with potent practices to rejuvenate and love up every morsel of precious you...heart, womb, and every layer of your being. 

These ceremonies behold a potent alchemical blend of tools and practices for healing and transformation that you are encouraged to bring into your life to continue a deep and committed nurturing, care-taking of yourself. 

Sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony, Ecstatic Dance, Blessing Ritual, Sister Circle, Self Womb Massage and a sprinkling of love and magic meet to create your very own take-home bottle of elixir, bubbling over with your unique blend of self adoration and love!

You can look forward to:

  • Womb / Heart Activation, Breathing, Meditation & Visualisation Practices

  • Sister Sharing Circle

  • Blessing Ritual

  • Kundalini Dance - Womb & Heart Alchemy

  • Self Massage

  • Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

  • Deep Guided Relaxation

  • After-Ceremony Ritual

Kundalini Dance: Womb & Heart Alchemy

A thoroughly nourishing internal (and external!) workout; through meditation, guided breath-work, movement, sounding, and a solid dose of prayer, we dance to cultivate our Shakti/feminine fire, awaken latent potential and ecstatically activate and embody the womb and heart space. Invite intuition to take the lead as transformation takes place. Detox any stuck, old, misaligned patterns that have manifested into your being and blocked you from being your true self and living from your seat of feminine ground, your root, your womb. 

Open up to creating space for new energetic pathways to form, balance masculine and feminine polarities within and embody the highest evolutionary possibilities for yourself and your life, through your body, mind and spirit layers. Anchor within you a profound alchemy of internal sisterhood between the heart and the womb.

Group Yoni Steam Ceremony

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. We anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly commune with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring ourselves powerfully.

Whether this is your first time, the first time in a group or a returning ceremonial yoni steamer, each constellation of women and the healing transmission is entirely unique and tailored to the energies of the group. You will leave feeling blessed, rooted and nourished.

For the full download on these ceremonies, head to: All about Sacred Yoni Steam Ceremonies

Beforehand, you’ll receive a recording with all of the information you need to know about the practice so that our gathering can be all about you deepening into and receiving the benefits of the ritual.

The ceremony itself is a intuitive/channelled healing process where you’ll be guided and held through a journey to align with your heart/womb/body’s wisdom, tap into your well of innate self healing nectar, and be supported to energetically clear and release whatever needs to move through to make way for the new.


  • Amongst many others, steaming has been found to:

  • Ease menstrual and pelvic pain 

  • Support with bloating, exhaustion and digestive issues

  • Release stagnation

  • Dissolve emotional and energetic blocks

  • Bring circulation to the pelvic bowl

  • Nourishes fertility and vitality

  • Increase sensation and sensuality

  • Invite an owning of own sexuality and creative power

  • Tend to sexual wounds

  • Clear ancestral trauma

  • Support the body postpartum to rebalance and heal

This is for you if you wish to

  • Create time for you to connect to your heart, womb & root space

  • Experience a variety of self-care & embodiment tools

  • Learn about the mind, body and spirit wisdom of yoni steaming

  • Journey deep into your body to listen to it’s messages for you

  • Make space to release stuck an stagnant energy and replenish your resources

  • Feel nourished, grounded, empowered and centred

  • Spend time immersing yourself in the medicine that is women gathering to reclaim themselves and age-old practices



UK: 12pm - 3.30pm BST

New York: 7am - 10.30am EDT

Central Europe: 1pm - 4.30pm CET

Check your timezone here:


Sunday 31st May

Registration closes at 10am on the 31st

We’ll meet on Zoom (downloadable to your laptop, phone or tablet - and you’ll be sent all of the details - your link to register, how to prepare yourself, your equipment and your space the day before we meet.

You are invited to share your video whilst we are sharing, meditating and moving, however you are welcome to have your video off during the steam if that would be more comfortable for you. This is to create as ‘real’ an atmosphere as possible as we’d obviously see each other in real life and it supports the connective and real feeling on screen! If you would really rather not - your privacy will be respected and you can have the video off if you wish. It will not be recorded.


£18 - Standard

£28 - Standard + Yoni Steam Botanical Steam Pack

If cost is a barrier or you are a frontline worker/NHS, get in touch and we'll make it work for you. I also welcome payment plans.


There are a few options for your set up:

  • If  you already have  your own steaming seat / stool / willing to be creative (see below) and can gather some herbs, you’re all set! 

  • If you wish to get yourself a dedicated yoni steam throne seat, bucket and herbs, head here:  You can also select a ticket with a 1 steam herb pack to be sent out to you. UK only.

  • If purchasing equipment, please do so by Tuesday 26th May at 4pm to receive in time (if later we can look into other options, but may incur higher delivery cost!)

If considering using what you already have:

  • You can prepare some cushions, blankets, blocks, books, a yoga mat, a bolster and pot to set up a makeshift seat which you can kneel, crouch or stand over.

  • You can forage for some local herbs and flowers or get some dried from around the house - I’ll send out some more details in your confirmation email.


Any womxn, over the age of 16, who feels a desire to attend, are welcome to take part. This includes womxn without a physical womb as we mostly work on an energetic level. If you do not identify as female/ do not have a female gendered body, please get in touch to ensure the way the space will be held feels aligned for you.

Wanna chat?

Feel free to get in touch to make sure it’s for you… email me on or DM me via the FB page / on Instagram.

About Raya

I feel it deeply imperative that every woman knows the wonder, power and pure sacredness of her womb and yoni. I am passionate about empowering women to own their womb space as a source of wisdom, nourishment and unbridled life force. I serve and support women to rise beyond their limitations  and reconnect back to the Earth and the Sacred.

Weaving together an inspired combination of embodied movement practices, healing modalities and sacred ceremonial ritual (meditation, yoni steaming, womb and fertility massage, kundalini dance, womb yoga and reiki), I hold spaces with a loving, caring and down to earth approach that offers women the space to navigate in a way that feels truly in alignment with their soul, so that may harness their inner alchemy and embody their sovereign selves.

/// Now is the time to wake up to the truth that our bodies are exceptionally powerful, wise and sacred. It’s time to come home to the temple within. Yoni steaming is a practice, tradition, science and ritual that supports women to do just this. Come to land, connect with your sisters, embrace your precious body temple fully. Honour your journey, be as you are. Make space for whatever is needed for you to step into your truth and radiance, and live it ///