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ONLINE: Sacred Yoni Steam Ceremony

Copy of Copy of Yoni Steam Ceremony FB Cover 23rd Nov (2).png

I am ecstatic to be announcing the first ever online edition of my signature Yoni Steam Ceremonies! 

You are warmly invited to 2.5 hours of deep connection to your inner temple, your yoni, your womb space and your precious body, as we collectively take a journey into the ancient self care ritual of yoni steaming.

These ceremonies are a potent alchemical blend of tools and practices for healing and transformation that you are encouraged to bring into your life to continue a devotional communion with yourself.

When women take part in a yoni steam in a held, ceremonial space as a collective of sisters, a deep communion takes place. They anchor into the lineage of this ancient practice, directly communicate with nature and the feminine web as well as honouring themselves powerfully.

Whether this is your first time, the first time in a group or a returning ceremonial yoni steamer, each constellation of women and the healing transmission is entirely unique and tailored to the energies of the group. I have no doubt this online version will be just as powerful!

What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steaming connects the body with the wisdom of subtle plant medicine to heal, clear the womb, pelvic bowl and sexual organs on a physical and energetic level. By sitting over a bowl of steam and inviting the qualities of the herbs to be absorbed into the vulva and vagina the whole of the pelvic area is filled with nourishment and heat, creating warmth and circulation and for stagnant energy to move.

It is  an empowering self care practice that invites women to fully drop into the realm of their inner sanctum and offer her exactly what she needs - warmth to unravel and unwind. The time and space to relax and release and surrender.The very act of allowing the whole yoni to relax and soften is radical healing in itself.

In this ceremony, you will be supported to draw upon your innate power and wisdom to create harmony and balance from within, sink deeper towards your inner resources and enhance your capacity for sumptuous and attentive self love.


Amongst being a luscious, rejuvenating and juicy self care practice, steaming has been found to:

- Ease menstrual and pelvic pain by warming the womb and bringing circulation to the pelvic bowl

- Can support with bloating, exhaustion and digestive issues

- Releases stagnation

- Hugely beneficial in postpartum healing

- Supports with releasing emotional and energetic blocks

- Nourishes fertility

- Increase sensation and sensuality, inviting an owning of sexual and creative power

- Deepen connection to self and capacity for deep self love

- Tends to sexual wounds and can be utilised as part of a healing journey

- Assists in the clearing of ancestral trauma

-Supports the body postpartum to rebalance and heal

The Ceremony

This ceremony has been lovingly crafted to gift your body, mind and soul the opportunity to drop into the space and receive exactly what you need weaving together practices to awaken and warm up to the process, whilst learning how you can bring it into your life.

~ Womb/Heart Connection breathing and meditation

~ Virtual blessing ritual

~ Sharing & Intention Setting Circle

~ Guided Womb Massage Instruction

~ Gentle intuitive movement inspired by Well Woman Yoga & Kundalini Dance

~ A download of everything you need to know about the practice

~ A channelled healing process - as a group, you will be guided through a journey to align with your wombs’ wisdom, tap into your innate healing capacity, energetically clear and release whatever needs to move through individually and as a group.

~ A nourishing and grounding deep relaxation 

~ An after ceremony ritual to integrate the process


There are a few contraindications to the process - unfortunately you will not be able to take part if you

~ Are on your period

~ Think you may be pregnant

~ Post ovulation IF trying to conceive (before is fine)

~ Have any open or recent scar tissue in the perineum area

~ Currently have any infections

~ Are under any fertility or IVF treatment

~ If you have an IUD fitted, please get in touch with me.


Time: 11am - 1.30pm BST (British Summer Time)

Check your time in your part of the world here

Date: Sunday 19th April

Location: Your home


£15 - Standard

£25 - Comfortable 

£35 - Abundant 

If you are international, pay via Friends & Family to here:

Payment plans available. If there are any barriers to cost, get in touch to discuss your situation and we'll make it work.

Does a weekday evening work better for you? Let me know so I can arrange another one!


~ You reserve and pay for your space here: Spaces are limited to 15 to ensure everyone has space to share.

~ We’ll meet on Zoom (downloadable to your laptop, phone or tablet -

~ You’ll be sent all of the details - your link to register, how to prepare yourself, your equipment and your space the day before we meet.

~ Registration closes at 8am on the 19th


~ Your yoni steam throne seat, bucket and herbs can be purchased here: - UK only

~ You can also select a £5 one steam herb pack to be sent out to you - UK only 

~ Please make sure to purchase by Sunday 12th April 9pm to receive in time

~ Of course, if you already have  your own steaming seat / stool and herbs, you’re all set!


~ You can prepare some cushions, blocks, books, a yoga mat, a bolster and pot to set up a makeshift seat which you can kneel, crouch or stand over.

~ You can forage for some local herbs and flowers or get some dried from around the house - I’ll send out some more details in your confirmation email.

You can also bring

~ An item to add to the altar

~ Wear comfortable clothes to move in and have a skirt/sarong/scarf ready for the steam

~ Layers to keep warm - cosy socks and shawls are great!

~ Journal and pen

~ Some grounding snacks and nibbles and water to drink

~ An open mind, heart and soul and a commitment to your healing and growth.

~ Ideally keep the rest of your day free of anything energy absorbing i.e. socialising, drinking alcohol, work etc. (even online) as you may want to spend the time in your own energy integrating the process 

You will be invited to share your video whilst we are sharing, moving and setting up our steams, however you are welcome to have your video off during the self massage and steam if you wish. This is to create as ‘real’ an atmosphere as possible as we’d obviously see each other in real life! If you would really rather not - your privacy will be respected!

Wanna chat?

Feel free to get in touch to make sure it’s for you… email me on or DM me via the FB page / on Instagram.

About Raya

I feel it deeply imperative that every woman knows the wonder, power and pure sacredness of her womb and yoni. I am passionate about empowering women to own their womb space as a source of wisdom, nourishment and unbridled life force. I serve and support women to rise beyond their limitations  and reconnect back to the Earth and the Sacred.

Weaving together an inspired combination of embodied movement practices, healing modalities and sacred ceremonial ritual (meditation, yoni steaming, womb and fertility massage, kundalini dance, womb yoga and reiki), I hold spaces with a loving, caring and down to earth approach that offers women the space to navigate in a way that feels truly in alignment with their soul, so that may harness their inner alchemy and embody their sovereign selves.


Any woman, over the age of 16, who feels a desire to attend, are welcome to take part. This includes women without a physical womb as we mostly work on an energetic level. If you do not identify as female/ do not have a female gendered body, please get in touch to ensure the way the space will be held feels aligned for you.

If you wish to attend but cannot take part in the steam part for any reason, do get in touch and we can discuss your situation - perhaps you’d like to drink the herbal mix as tea or have a foot soak or face steam whilst you enjoy all of the other parts of the ceremony! Let me know how I can support you to be part of this experience should you feel called to be there.

I look forward to welcoming you to the circle…

Now is the time to wake up to the truth that our bodies are exceptionally powerful, wise and sacred. It’s time to come home to the temple within. Yoni steaming is a practice, tradition, science and ritual that supports women to do just this. Do you feel a stirring?

Come to land, connect with your sisters, embrace your precious body temple fully. Honour your journey, be as you are. Make space for whatever is needed for you to step into your truth and radiance, and live it.


