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Sisterhood Gatherings at the Quaives: CELEBRATION - International Women's Day Weekend

All information and to book here:



6-8TH MARCH 2020

The theme for this weekend is;


Why celebration? Celebrating is a potent way to magnetising more of what you want into your life. It is one of the key desires of the divine feminine within us to be in a state of celebration, and for our achievements to be acknowledged.

We live in a society that values doing, doing, doing, and we find ourselves and sometimes others pushing us to do, do, do, completing tasks, chores, or self-care practices one after the other. We achieve so much in our day, even just getting out of bed can be an achievement for some, or feeding our children or even ourselves, and yet we hardly ever seem to just stop and take stock of what we’ve managed to achieve.

Big or small; they are all valid achievements worth celebrating.

The more we learn to celebrate ourselves and each other as women, the more we realise our own amazingness. This is important because in general, women find it harder than men to shout about their achievements, to have their voice heard and feel their own self-worth and value and so their accomplishments often go unnoticed. Self-doubt can seep in with lack of external and internal validation.

Of course it is lovely to have external validation but the key is to have a sustainable source of validation and that comes from within.

By celebrating ourselves each day we are learning one of the most valuable tools for a woman today, which is knowing our own value.

From our Hearts to Yours, join us

In celebration of your uniqueness as well as our kinship,

In celebration of your feminine essence and our shared womanhood

In celebration of all that we have achieved and are yet to achieve, big and small.

In celebration of simply being alive, and to experience our Humanness

In celebration of our strengths, courage and vulnerabilities

In celebration of our connection to Mother Earth as women

In celebration by singing and the gift of our own voice, and the voices of others

In celebration by moving our bodies, breathing, dancing and completely letting go

In celebration by nourishing our bodies with wholesome delicious food, and nourishing our souls with deep connections


In celebration of all that we are, just as we are.

Introducing you to the Sisters below who will be leading embodiment workshops, rituals and experiences over the weekend, to bring you back to a place of wholeness within.

Susie Ro

We are beyond excited to have Susie join us on our next Sisterhood Gathering here at The Quaives. A dynamic workshop leader as well as a talented singer-songwriter, voice coach, composer for choirs, ceremonial singer and Yoga Nidra teacher, Susie has lots of treats in store for us over the weekend! She tours internationally with her popular harmony singing workshops, soulful concerts, retreats, improvisation weekends, DreamSong evenings and teacher training courses, sharing her heart-felt music and joy of singing together wherever she goes.

I am beginning to see that singing together in harmony this way is an advanced technology that brings us, almost instantaneously, out of our heads, into our hearts and in subtle but very real communication with all those around us. Within minutes we are a community, practising the way of listening and simultaneously of giving of ourselves. We become one voice, with each individual, unique, miracle of a voice wholeheartedly welcome to join the merging of the whole.

What will we be exploring with Susie?

DreamSong - Yoga Nidra & Heart Song

Susie's DreamSong sessions are a beautiful opportunity to give your full weight to the earth and allow yourself to completely let go into deep, rejuvenating, radical rest, to then be serenaded by exquisite, healing heart songs from the comfort of your own little bed! We will also be taking this outdoors, weather permitting, for the most divine of experience of Wild Nidra where we plug back into the Great Mother, laying directly upon her as we come to ground. A practice of deep relaxation and homecoming, immersed in nature and the angelic sounds of Susie’s soothing voice.

Voice Activation, harmony singing, and voice instrumental vocal technique

This workshop is a relaxed space for people to really let their voices be free! Susie has hand picked songs over the years that have the ability to unlock the voice and open the heart in a powerful way, yet are easy to learn and are all taught by ear. The songs come from around the world and from many traditions, and include songs of joy, peace and freedom in English and other languages.


A core member of the Sisterhood Gathering team, we are delighted Raya is returning to share with us more of her magic for our magical March weekend. Weaving together an inspired combination of embodied movement practices, healing modalities and sacred ceremonial ritual, Raya hold spaces with a loving, caring and down to earth approach that offers women the space to navigate in a way that feels truly in alignment with their soul, so that they may harness their inner alchemy and embody their sovereign selves.

Raya holds such tender, anchored, strong and yet gentle space for us all to tune in and hear the ways of our sacred portal and all that she wishes to share with us. Thank you Thank you Thank you <3

What will we be exploring with Raya?

Restoring the Soul & Rite of the Womb Ritual

Restoring the Soul (similar to the post-partum ritual of Closing the Bones) invites women to deeply align to their core, surrender and presence into every part of their being, emerging recalibrated, refreshed and rebirthed. It is for any woman that has lived beyond herself, that has served from an empty cup, through everything that modern life asks of all of us then?! The process is simple yet powerfully effective, it involves being wrapped, cooconed and embraced back to wholeness with rebozo shawl. You will be guided through a process to feel the support of the Earth, gently unfurl, call back all of the fragments of yourself that have travelled beyond you, to dissolve what no longer serves and acknowledge the transformation you have already been through in your life. This journey involves the wrapping, a guided visualisation meditation, energy healing and shamanic drumming. It is profoundly nurturing and grounding. To complete, we will take part in a Rite of Womb Ritual.

The Rite of the Womb is a transmission born from the female shamans of the Shipibo Nation of the Amazon. It is an energetic blessing that holds the intention of healing all of the wounds of the womb. Consciously releasing old stories of fear, suffering and pain that has been carried from womb to womb along the ancestral line, initiating the healing of sorrow, grief, shame, guilt and all other burdens that women carry from their life experiences, cultures and ancestry. Each person has the opportunity to cultivate deep healing and create more space for sensitivity, joy and an embodied life experience.

This ritual is passed on in ceremony via a light touch to the lower abdomen. It has the power to impact all women and men, and the earth, by stepping forth and honouring yourself. Each participant becomes a rite receiver and then a bearer, as one by one each person in the circle receives the simple yet profoundly healing transmission and is empowered to reclaim their place as a leader, teacher, healer, facilitator and guide in a balanced way. The Rite of the Womb ceremony returns you to a place of balance and sovereignty with your womb.

Deep Feminine Nourishment: Cacao Ceremony & Kundalini Dance

Kundalini Dance is an ecstatic dance practice - meaning there are no moves to learn, all you have to do is surrender to the beat of the music and your internal rhythm. Intuition and your body take the lead as transformation takes place. A thoroughly nourishing internal and external workout, we start by anchoring into a deep prayer space, activating our inner guide. Steadily, we cultivate our Shakti life force and dance to create space for this energy to flow though us with movement, breath and sound, inviting new energetic pathways to form, balance masculine and feminine energies within and embody the highest evolutionary possibilities for ourselves and our lives. You'll wind up feeling ecstatic, blissful, alive and like the alchemist of your mind, body, spirit, that you are.

Sacred feminine embodiment practices are essential to awaken the latent potential that exists within the womb, allows us to move through our limitations and live totally aligned to our intution, access your capacity to self heal and bring truth and soul into your every day life.

Assisting us with unravelling the wisdom our bodies have to share with us will be delicious Cacao. Sweet heart medicine, cacao is chocolate in it’s purest and most potent form, and has been used in sacred way in Central and South American as well (as other equatorial cultures across the globe) for centuries as a way of communing with the divine. When we drink cacao with intention, meditation, breathing and movement, it can be a profound yet subtle and sweet teacher plant, inspiring us to open to more bliss and love in our lives. It can assist us with unblocking emotional, negative or misaligned energies and find space, stillness, and compassion. For this nourishment ritual, cacao will assist us with easing open the heart-womb-body connection, allowing us to embody our intentions for the dance, transmuting that which no longer serves us back into love. She is a perfect ally for Kundalini Dance.


Clare Rodea Ryan

Your host, guide, a women’s wellness mentor, yoga teacher and mother, Clare’s interest is in helping women raise their consciousness and awareness of who they truly are and what they are capable of manifesting into their lives as an empowered women; a Queen, Enchantress, Heroine, and Goddess of their life. Her method is varied and comes from her own experiences and journey of finding a connection with her truth, desires, and inner wisdom through; yoga, meditation, relaxation, women’s wisdom teachings, sacred circle time, and sharing stories, and this is exactly what she wants to share with you. Her vision is to inspire authenticity, honouring the feminine, standing in ones power, building strong foundations of self-trust, self-validation, and self-love so that you can shine your light, share your unique gifts with the world, and inspire others to do the same.

My experience with Clare and her teaching team at The Quaives was utterly phenomenal. Right from the moment I arrived, Clare was welcoming and thoughtful. This was my first ever yoga and women’s retreat so I was unsure of what to expect for the weekend. I left on Sunday afternoon feeling like I had been there for months, not simply a weekend. The quality of the healing, nourishment, workshops and lasting tools was exceptional.

What will we be exploring with Clare?

Deep Relaxation, Restorative Yoga, Energy Healing Practises & Poetry

Clare will be guiding you through a yoga practice for woman’s wellness as inspired by her teacher Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. Incorporating moments of alternating stillness and rhythm, as well as chi gong inspired movement practices and deep relaxation for wellbeing. Clare loves to weave in poetry, for deepening your experience of being in the moment, with yourself, for a delicious wholesome home coming back to you, the you that’s been waiting to be found again. Leaving you feeling loved, nourished, grounded and welcomed.

Talks and discussions on the Divine Feminine & Synching with the Cyclical for Sustainable Living

Many of us have found resistance to being feminine at some point in our lives, and even perhaps felt resentful of being a women, and being an inherently cyclical being. Especially growing up in what we keep on being told is a “mans world,” and consistent doing and output is what is most rewarded and valued. You may have already noticed the world is changing a lot on that front, and there is plenty to celebrate but there is still some way to go. Each woman’s gifts are valid and needed in the world, and this requires more balance and validation of the feminine within us. The world becomes extremely imbalanced if there is too much masculine, and most of us women are living our lives the majority of the time in our masculine energy. Masculine and feminine energy goes beyond gender, they are the two universal energies that can be reflected in both men and women. For women, learning about the divine feminine, and how you can be in that energetic space and still get things done is one of the key skills for bringing balance and harmony to your life, work and relationships and see them thrive!! Clare will be leading an informative and inspiring talk and discussion on the Divine Feminine during the weekend with teachings on the dynamic between the divine feminine and divine masculine within ourselves and in our lives, menstrual cycle and hormone cycle awareness, as well as synching with the moon and the Earth’s cycles.

All elements are completely optional at all times. There is plenty to take away from the weekend just from being here in the countryside, supported by other women, and being nourished by the delicious food. Dive in as much or as little as you desire, honour your heart here, and receive exactly what you need, no more, no less.

Example schedule


14:00 Arrivals

16:00 Studio: Opening ceremony, yoga nidra, womb yoga, and womb wisdom teachings

18:30 Saloon: Dinner

19:30 Fire pit women's circle outdoors (weather dependent)/ Bedtime Candle Light Meditation


08:30 Studio: Morning Kundalini yoga practice, and gong relaxation

10:00 Saloon: Breakfast

10:45 Play-shop / Ceremony / Talk (with one of the facilitators above)

13:00 Free Time; Hot tub, Massages, Reading, Journaling, Sleep

14:00 Saloon: Light lunch

Free time; Hot tub, Massages, Reading, Journaling, Sleep

17:00 Play-shop / Ceremony / Talk (with one of the facilitators above)

20:00 Dinner

21:00 Bedtime relaxation and Yin yoga


08:30 Studio: Embodiment Dance Practice & Yoga

10.00 Saloon: Breakfast

11:00 Play-shop / Ceremony / Talk (with one of the facilitators above)

13:00 Countryside Walk (optional)

14:00 Lunch

14.30 Closing Ceremony


 All meals and snacks, yoga, meditation, group walk, 2 nights’ accommodation, unlimited teas. Use of tennis court and rackets. Use of outdoor hot tub. Yoga equipment.

Note: All food is vegetarian, please let us know if you have any other dietry requirements. 



Transportation, massage treatments


Free Camping in the Garden
(bring your own tent)
6 places; £299

Scandinavian Adult Dorm 

8 bed; £350pp * 3 SPACES LEFT*

Fuchsia Cottage 

2 person shared room - bunk beds -£425 pp

2 person Twin share - single beds - *SOLD OUT*

Songbird Cottage

2 single beds- shared cottage  - £550  *1 SPACE LEFT* 

Bumble Cottage

Single occupancy - £650

2 person shared bed - £550 pp

Tor Spa (10 minute walk) Package

Single Occupancy Rooms - £550pp x 6