meeting yourself with devotion

Welcome to Day 1. To prepare you for the week, and for your journey,  I will show you a foundational daily practice. It’s super simple and can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. I am 100% sure you can bring this into your life every single day.

It works best upon waking and just before bed (I recommend both), but if it’s when you get around to your practice, that’s fine. If you want to bring this in first thing, simply start again every day until your brain forms the neural pathways and your hands automatically go to your heart and womb upon waking, trust me, it’ll happen!

  • Upon waking and sleeping, have a little check in with your womb space. Placing both your hands there for a moment, take some breaths in and out

    • welcome this space

    • offer some gratitude

    • check in with how this space is: ‘How am I feeling here, in this moment?’

    • check in with what this space needs and desires: ‘What are you desiring?’

    • observe what arises, with curiosity

    • A little bonus - give this space some tender touch, loving, affectionate touch that feels good. Get into the habit of offering yourself pleasurable moments of connection.

I personally find this key to ensuring I create a powerful connection with my body as soon as I wake up. I programme into my being that I am worthy of my attention, my listening, my trust, my love. The ripple effect of this self devotion feeds into everything else… you’ll see!

The main practices I'll share each day will support you to commune deeper with your womb - however this is a starting point, a place case your day runs away with you as soon as you hop out of bed... you have at the very least taken a few moments to anchor into yourself.

  • It’s one you can come back to at any point throughout the day - especially when: difficult emotions arise

  • there’s an important decision to be made

  • or you spiral out of your centre

The very simple act of placing your hands on your heart and womb grounds you into your body, offers the space for your feminine wisdom and intuition to illuminate the way to the guidance you seek.

Today, I encourage you to come back to this motion of hands on heart and womb space throughout the day, in preparation for the week ahead.




intention setting

So, in preparation for the week ahead, you will take time today to tune into your intentions, the spark that will fuel your commitment.

Grab a pen and paper and a comfy place to sit. Pop on this track while you tune in.

Close your eyes, place one hand on your heart, and one on your womb space - and take a deep breath in and out.  Tune in to how this week of womb connection practices may impact your life. Tune into your reason WHY you felt a pulse of YES to getting to know yourself and your womb a little more.

Ask yourself this:

1. How would deepening your connection to your sacred womb space and your feminine energy change the way you feel about the following?

  • Yourself

  • Your Body

  • Your Work

  • Your Sense of Purpose

  • Your Community

  • Your Family

  • Your Friends

  • The Earth

2. What would integrating your deeper inner wisdom and knowing bring into your life?

The key here is to feel it first, let your body lead your mind, and let your heart inspire your imagination. Once you've taken some moments to feel and to ponder into these, feel free to write them down in your journal. You may like to pop them on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you’ll see it every day.

This Why-fire will propel you to commit to this practice for the next 7 days.


Next, I invite you to set a goal to commit to these 7 days...

How will you make space for these 5-15 minutes every day?

Remember, creating space for your wellbeing and nourishment is KEY to living life on your terms, and to feeling restored, revitalised and in tune with your needs and desires at all times.